Re: Re: [PARPORT] driver for MiniSCSI 1350 ??

Ingo Schaa (
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 13:58:04 -0200

Thank you,

> I believe, based on a tiny subtle clue, that the 1350 is actually a Shuttle
> EPST adapter.
Yes you are right it is such an adapter from Shuttle but I didn't open the case
to look at the chip inside ...

> If you look in the installer's setup95.ini you'll see the name "EPST".
Yes I saw this text string and a few minutes later I downloaded the driver from
the shuttle-website, it works. Thank you for help.

> There is an old Linux driver for the EPST, and a new 2.2 driver is in the
> works.
Do you know where I can find the old driver ?

greets Ingo

Ingo Schaa
Am Landbach 22
D-64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

Tel.: + 49 - 62 57 - 6 23 45


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