[PARPORT] parport_share.c broken?

Ingo Oeser (ingo.oeser@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 14:26:33 +0100 (CET)


I tried to use plip with all parport-thingies as modules.

But I didn't build the PNP thing. So parport_share.c builds a
'request_module("parport_lowlevel");' into the parport.o module.

When is this myterious module build? I ran a grep through all of
the kernel sources but could neither find a rule to build this
module nor a 'parport_lovel.c'.

So _I_ consider this a bug. I now worked it around by building
these PNP thing, but it shouldn't be possible in a _stable_
kernel to configure things, that do not work. Simply issue an
error, if the user doesn't supply PNP, but likes to use modules.


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