[PARPORT] HP Colorado 5Gb Parallel external, How do I backup with it?

Asaf Gery (asaf@gery.co.il)
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 23:52:56 +0200

Hello you all,
I have read the archives of this list and managed to get my
backup tape running, using several insmod(s).
However, I still did not understand how do I actually backup.
How do I rewind, format and erase the tape?
I believe that tar should be used in order to create the backup archive
(am I right?). I tried using mtools (did not success), I also tried ftape
(it was written somewhere that it supports parallel as well) also with no
Could some one please, tell me...
Any pointers to the relevant info will be enough.

Asaf Gery.

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