[PARPORT] HP 7200e

From: [x]wp (xwp@xwp.8m.com)
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 20:23:07 EST

  • Next message: Uwe Klein: "Re: [PARPORT] ECP read - FIFO/DMA"

    I've been reading all the threads on the archive but haven't run across my
    problem.. I have pcd and pg installed and one time I booted in Cdrecord
    actually recognized my Drive by showing the 'HP' information when doing the
    -scanbus command, but it only did that one time and now it hasn't ever again.
     I don't know how to make cdrecord recognize my drive now because it just
    disappeared. I tried to compile cdrecord w/ pg support but I can't read
    anything where it says how.. all I want is for this silly thing to work.. I
    read the cdr.html but it doesn't say anything about how to make cdrecord use
    'pg'.. it only says that cdrecord can use pg and that's what you should use.

    Any help is greatly appreciated

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