[PARPORT] 8bit cable

From: Witold Filipczyk (juandon@poczta.onet.pl)
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 12:05:34 EST

  • Next message: John Cotton: "[PARPORT] PARPORT_CONTROL_[ITEN|DIRECTION] ?"

    I want to take advantage of bidirectional LPT ports.
    Which version of 8bit cable is correct(is better)?

    a) taken from /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/PLIP.txt
    STROBE->BUSY 1 - 11
    D0->D0 2 - 2
    D1->D1 3 - 3
    D2->D2 4 - 4
    D3->D3 5 - 5
    D4->D4 6 - 6
    D5->D5 7 - 7
    D6->D6 8 - 8
    D7->D7 9 - 9
    INIT -> ACK 16 - 10
    AUTOFD->PAPOUT 14 - 12
    SLCT->SLCTIN 13 - 17
    GND->ERROR 18 - 15
    extra grounds are 19*,20*,21*,22*,23*,24*
    GROUND 25 - 25

    b) taken from ibmlpt.txt

    Side 1 Pin dir Pin Side 2 connection
    ------ --- --- --- ------ ----------
    D0 2 <=>* 2 D0 direct
    D1 3 <=>* 3 D1 direct
    D2 4 <=>* 4 D2 direct
    D3 5 <=>* 5 D3 direct
    D4 6 <=>* 6 D4 direct
    D5 7 <=>* 7 D5 direct
    D6 8 <=>* 8 D6 direct
    D7 9 <=>* 9 D7 direct
    C0- 1 => 13 S4+ inverted
    C1- 14 => 12 S5+ inverted
    C2+ 16 => 10 S6+ direct
    C3- 17 => 11 S7- direct
    S4+ 13 <= 1 C0- inverted
    S5+ 12 <= 14 C1- inverted
    S6+ 10 <= 16 C2+ direct
    S7- 11 <= 17 C3- direct
    Gnd 25 === 25 Gnd (ground)

    Witold Filipczyk

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