[PARPORT] trouble with external ide devices

From: Fraser Novaco (fnovaco@polaris.umuc.edu)
Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 11:15:08 EST

  • Next message: Nicholas Hildreth: "[PARPORT] SPP-100"

    IT seems that a *lot* of people are having trouble with their external
    cd writers. Although, I got my device to work in read-only mode, I still
    have to save all my images on my windows partition to burn :(. I cannot
    mount pg0, and even though my kernel recognizes the drive with the scsi
    emulation, I still cannot use cdrecord because my drives scsi address is

    For the benefit of those that are having trouble, I am including the end
    of my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file (redhat 7.0)

    insmod parport #enable the parallel port
    insmod paride #enable the ide interface for the parallel port
    insmod -f backpack #load the backpack driver (-f for force)
    insmod pcd #load the cdrom readonly driver
    insmod pg

    I hope this helps. I cant take credit for this, somebody on this list
    was also having trouble.

    Fraser Novaco

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