[PARPORT] Reading the state of the input in pareller port programing.

From: int01h (int01h@sentinel.mj12.eu.org)
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 11:32:13 EST

  • Next message: Tim Waugh: "Re: [PARPORT] ppdev hangs on read"

    Hello everyone.
    I have a small problem. Im a C programmer under linux, week ago i have
    started to play wth paraller port programming because im building my own
    robot controlled by CPU. I'v learned how to send data to DATAOUT pins on LPT
    but still i cant understand how to read for example incoming data on LPT.
    For example im connecting to the Bit 2 INIT on the BASEADRESS+2 some
    harwdare that when turned on by battery should give a signal to this input
    on LPT. How can i check if it really gave me the ON/OFF signal, reading data
    from INPUT pin on LPT?
    Please help me..
    Thank you for any of your help.

    Pawel Stochlinski (int01h)

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